So like the title says, When it Rains, it Pours! Which is very true, in this case it isn't necessarily a bad thing.
When people say that, they can mean a variety of different things, usually on the negative side. But the way I mean, is definitely a positive way!
The blessings of God isn't meant to be something to only happen every now and then to keep you interested and set on the Lord. But when you follow God, desire him with your whole heart, and give up and sacrifice some things that mean so much to you but are of this world, God see's what you are doing, and he will most definitly bless you beyond what you hold to as reality. I say that, because that's exactly what I've been experiencing. I've been giving up my old ways and habits all to know God more and to seek him. God has been blessing me with things that I would have never even thought possible for me! One blessing upon another, it's supernatural! It makes him so happy to see that you are reaching out for him.
But one thing about the blessings of God, is that you shouldn't sit there and basically say "Okay Lord, where is my next blessing?" That would be horrible. God doesn't want you to demand blessings, and the blessings God has for you is already set up for you and already there for you, all you have to do is work for it, in certain ways that can vary, but also mainly by seeking God.
God is the creator, he made this world, and you and me, he knows everything, what you want to do, what you are going to do, and he already has those blessings set out for you, that all you have to do is just be in the will of God, and you will receive them abundantly.
Sorry if this isn't making sense, but it makes complete sense to me.
I'll put it this way, when you receive a gift from someone, what do you do? You thank them! You don't ask, thank you so much, so when do I get my next gift? When is it coming, what is it? You don't question that person, you just appreciate, love, and thank them. That's the way it's supposed to be.
God is a good God, he is love, and he wants to bless you so much more then you could even imagine. He wants to give you everything. Even though there is no way that you would be able to comprehend it all. The same goes for the love of God, he loves you so much and so unconditionally that when you start to think about it, you get mind-bottled because it's so amazing and out of this world the amount that he loves you, so much that he gave his only begotten son for you. Would you give up your child for this world? I most definitely would not, but see, we are only human, we don't have to make that kind of sacrifice, it's already done, the love is already unconditional, and the blessings are already there.
God doesn't look at where you've been, or what you've done, he looks at your heart and where you want to go.